Making the leap from the classroom to the clinic is an opportunity to explore a new world—but without a travel guide in the form of teachers and colleagues to help guide you along the way. You’re tasked with the lifetime opportunity of applying and refining your medicine in the wild.

Even after your training, you may wonder if you’re truly prepared. You may keep coming back to the question: “Do I know enough?” Probably not—and that is not necessarily a comment on your competence as a practitioner. This is because the transfer of learning is an ongoing process; it is cyclical; it is spiral. Even the most seasoned practitioners are learners to some degree—especially in our medicine. 

Understand that everything in creation is evolving. Learn to honor where you are in your journey as a practitioner. Integrate knowledge and experience in your practice until they become one. You stop growing as soon as you stop learning. 

In this conversation with Kristen Lambertin, we pore over the cyclical process of learning, the difficulties students face when transferring what they’ve learned in the classroom to the clinical workplace, how to improve the learning process in our profession, and some practical skills and mindsets that can help you adapt to the future. We also share opinions on how we can approach our patients and work by building on our strengths and leaning into our shortcomings.

Listen into this discussion on the transfer of learning and making the transition from student to practitioner.

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In This Conversation We Discuss:

  • The learning connection between the classroom and clinical workspace
  • Maximizing our strengths and embracing our shortcomings to guide our practice
  • Attention and having the capacity to sit with the patient
  • What are you bringing to the table beyond your tools?
  • Healing as a shared vision between the practitioner and patient
  • The spiral process of learning
  • Biggest challenges for students today and some tips to address them
  • Bring an element of fun to learning
  • Things that impede learning in our profession
  • The issue of uncertainty in our work
  • What other things should people be prepared for beyond learning medicine?”
  • Finding the perfect practitioner-patient fit at different stages of your practice
  • Collaboration between seasoned and new practitioners
  • Context and the gray areas of Chinese medicine
  • Kristen’s advice for new practitioners

You know more than you think you know. Trust that knowing and allow it to take you to deeper places of understanding.

I am a licensed Naturheilpraktikerin (Alternative Medicine Practitioner) in TCM in Switzerland, a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist in North Carolina and a certified NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. I am a 2015 graduate of Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts. In 2016, I became an instructor at Daoist Traditions where I continue to teach online courses in Chinese Herbal Medicine.

I currently live in Switzerland where I practice Chinese medicine at a physical therapy practice, design e-learning teacher-training courses and run my own academic and instructional coaching business called Triple Spiral Learning.

I have twenty-nine years of teaching experience in a variety of disciplines and have worked with students of all ages, nationalities, and diverse backgrounds. In addition to my in-class and online teaching experience, I have also designed and conducted teacher-training workshops for instructors in the US and abroad. 


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