The Practice of Practice
140 Copywriting for a Googlicious Website • Iselin Svalastog
Maybe you were one of those people who learned in English class that you weren’t very good at the standardized form of writing they were trying to teach. Perhaps you thought you weren’t a good writer. And you might want to reconsider that, because...
138 The Essence of Our Work: A Heartfelt Inquiry Into Knowing What You Have to Offer Online • Mary Beth Huwe
With Covid-19 knocking the bottom out of our practices, there is a call from experts in the field to “get online.” Which isn’t bad advice as it does provide a channel to our patients in a time when we can't put our hands on them. But, and this is...
137 Listening • Michael Max
Listening is not a skill that I expected to develop. I thought I’d get good with palpation or pulse reading. After all, the masters are said to get what they need with the pause and a few questions. That’s what I was aiming for, however it did not...
136 Abundance, Perspective, and Practice • Lamya Kamel
The opinions we have about “doing business” can dramatically affect the kind of practice we have, the opportunities we recognize or are blind to, and how we feel about ourselves as we begin to generate some momentum and success in our work. Success...
119 The Power of Connection- Business as an Aspect of Community • Brigitte Linder
An often overlooked aspect of running our own business is that it gives us a potent way of connecting with others and serving a community. Sure there are additional responsibilities that come with this kind of an opportunity. But the freedom it can give us, and the ways it will challenge us with personal growth, opens up experiences and opportunities we’d otherwise not have.
Listen into this conversation on how doing business asks each of us to develop untapped potential in ourselves, connect us with a larger community and give us the opportunity to live a life where we get to choose our own responsibilities.
117 Getting Your Finances Right- What the Entrepreneurial Acupuncturist Needs to Know • Beverly Hacker
Money, for many, is the pebble in our shoe that irrates enough to annoy, but not enough for us to make a fundemental change. And if our accounting systems mirror our confusion or conflict around finances, then that adds more one more thing that we’d prefer not to think too much that will undoubtly circle back and be a source of suffering.
A good accounting system, and the basic understanding of the principles involved can save us a lot of trouble. And it’s not that difficult. If you can learn Chinese medicine, you can certainly grasp the fundamental accounting principles that will help you to better understand the financial health of your practice.
114 Wisdom Guild: Listening to Our Practice • Njemile Carol Jones, Laura Christensen, Esther Platner
What gets us started is not what sustains us over the long haul. The energy of beginning is essential at the start of any new endeavor. But what got us to here, will not get us to there.
It’s easy to think that we are broken because what brought us success does not help us in managing success. Nor does it help us to move through the stages of development as we age and face the challenges slowing our practice down, passing it along or letting go of it altogether.
111 Conversations From the Pacific Symposium 2019
This is a series of short conversations with some of the attendees of the Pacific Symposium.
Listen in to the wide variety of perspective and practice as it relates to Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine
108 Outside the Box and Inside the Heart Medicine • Amy Mager
The medicine we practice doesn’t just help us to help others. It can help us to live more deeply into our own lives. The challenges, adversity and difficulties we encounter show us what we are made of and build resiliency. The practices we create are a living expression of who we see ourselves to be. Furthermore, the process of creating a successful practice that we want to work in, it’s an on-going process.
102 Getting Your Tech Together: What Acupuncturists Need to Know About Technology • Stacey Chapman
We all know that Tech is part of a modern practice. And regardless of whether we love it, or hate it, it plays a central role in our day to day operations, marketing and communications.Just like our patients find the language of Chinese medicine to...