The Practice of Practice
200 Learning From Mentors • Denise Hung
Learning medicine requires books, memorization , and knowledge. But knowledge without practice is useless. It is through the clinical encounter with patients that the principals come to life and the medicine goes from theory to living practice. In...
192 Having a Home Office • Ji Ling Lin
What is the best business model and size of acupuncture practice? That depends on the practitioner, their values, goals and individual perspective. Just like our medicine, while there are core principles that form a foundation, the methods that...
189 Cultivating Confidence • Vanessa Menendez-Covelo
Confidence at the beginning of any endeavor, especially at the beginning of a medical practice, a new business, or new career is not possible. You may have some skills, tools and competence in their use. But confidence, that comes later after...
187 Money Archetype and Metaphor • Lacey Dupre
There isn’t anyone who doesn’t have an opinion about money. Regardless of what kind of economic system you have an ideological bent toward, one thing is for sure; as long as humans have worked together and pooled their resources for mutual benefit...
181 Teaming Up on Cancer • Kym Garrett
Working with the conventional medical system takes a lot more than simply letting doctors know your practice exists. Like any relationship it takes time, effort and persistence, along with a sense of common values and language. In this...
179 If You Don't Run Your Business, Your Business Will Run You • Dave Kaster
生意 sheng yi, are the characters in Chinese that mean business. They literally mean, “create meaning.” And when you think about it, any successful business does exactly that; it creates meaning and provides something of value. From your favorite...
172 The Sunset of a Practice • Charlie Braverman
Our medicine teaches us that all things move through cycles of generation, flourishing, decline and disappearance. It’s the way qi moves through this world and so not a surprise that at some point there is an end to the practice that has sustained...
167 The Challenge of Ethics in a Healing Relationship • Laura Christensen
Ethics is never a simple black and white calculation, but rather the inquiry into proper relationship in a world filled with variability. It’s about considering the relationship with self, other, and society. And it’s a way to check ourselves for...
147 Self-Publishing for Acupuncturists • Oran Kivity & Sean Sumner
These days pretty much anyone can have their own media outlet. The gatekeepers who used to control access to the airwaves and printing presses are pretty much gone. If you have something to share, especially something that focuses on or services a...
143 Put Your Best Voice Forward- Tech for Telemedicine • Michael Max
We are used to lousy sound quality that we don’t realize how it stresses our nervous system and gets in the way of clear and effective communication. I often hear people complain about how they don’t like to look at the computer, but I suspect the...