Despite the increased interest in Saam acupuncture there is very little known about its origins and development. This presentation is designed to shine some light on how the modern Saam acupuncture came to be. The first portion of the presentation will describe the environment in which Saam acupuncture developed in detailing the governmental, social, medical and religious influences.

The second major development in Saam acupuncture is the writing of a collection of case studies and commentary attributed to an individual named Jisan sometime after 1742. The third section will delve into what we don’t currently know about the development of Saam acupuncture. The final portion will examine the modern era and the multiple streams of Saam acupuncture that have developed during this period.

In This Presentation We Will:

  • Learn about the foundational texts of Saam acupuncture.
  • Explore the development of Saam acupuncture and how it has changed over the centuries.
  • Consider the future prospects of Saam acupuncture and future opportunities for research.