This presentation will explore its history and the many styles of practice it has engendered in Korea as well as elsewhere. The basis of Saam acupuncture is the 4-needle technique. Tonifying, sedating, heating and cooling formulas will be reviewed plus other 4-needle combinations that break the standard rules. These are due to the use of Saam theory in both Constitutional and Conditional aspects of treatment. The differences between these two aspects as they relate to diagnosis and treatment will be explained.
The speaker’s own style of acupuncture follows this approach, and has been taught worldwide including three times in China. There are several of the author’s books that can augment this presentation.
Grasping the Donkey's Tail
Unraveling Mysteries from the Classics of Oriental Medicine
The Compleat Acupuncturist
A Guide to Constitutional and Conditional Pulse Diagnosis
In the Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor
Tracing the History of Traditional Acupuncture
The Book of Changes In Traditional Oriental Medicine
An edited transcript of classes taught in 1983 and 1984
Closing The Circle
Lectures on the Unity of Traditional Oriental Medicine by Peter Eckman, M.D., Ph.d., M.Ac. (U.K.) and Stuart Kutchins, C.A.
In This Presentation We Will:
- Explore what is the essence of Saam acupuncture and what is a later addition.
- Investigate other styles of acupuncture incorporate the 4-needle technique
- Discuss the difference between acupuncture styles that are based on Constitution and those based on Condition