​In this shoptalk on self-cultivation, Chris Shelton his perspective on the world of Qigong and its profound healing powers. Leaning on his experience of having Qigong profoundly change his life, he shares his practice that unites movement, breath, and mind-focus to harness the body's innate ability to heal.

Chris explains how Qigong promotes the harmonious flow of qi, and addresses imbalances and blockages that lead to physical and emotional ailments. He highlights its transformative effect on stress reduction, chronic pain relief, and emotional well-being, making it indispensable for modern-day living.

Chris showcases remarkable healing stories achieved through consistent Qigong practice. From alleviating anxiety and depression to supporting chronic illness recovery, the evidence speaks for itself about Qigong's profound effects.

Additionally, Chris shares how the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies are using these ancient practices in their work.

Explore Qigong's transformative capability by joining Chris for the Holistic Healthcare Provider Masterclass, which will give you tools to prevent burnout and grow your practice, (CA Acupuncture CEUs available), August 1-4. Go to qigongteachertraining.com to register today.


I'm Chris Shelton, committed to uplifting consciousness with a motto, “If I can do it, YOU can too!” For over 30 years, I've dedicated my life to helping people reduce stress and find pain relief through Qigong—an ancient holistic health modality. Qigong saved me from a debilitating back injury as a teenager, and I transformed from suffering to becoming a martial-arts champion, renowned healer, and successful business owner.
Qigong offers non-invasive, affordable, and empowering healthcare. I've touched countless people worldwide, including Special Olympics teams and celebrities, guiding them to reclaim health and embrace life free from chronic pain. Featured in various media, I founded Morning Crane Healing Arts Center and co-created The Qi Club and Qigong Teacher Training, continuing to inspire others on their path to wellness. Additionally, Chris has a course on face-reading at secretsontheface.com.