At the time it was an astonishing read, as I'd never been exposed to his ideas about constitutional type and how certain people have an affinity for a particular herb or formula family.
It changed how I thought about herbal medicine.
And I've been fortunate to have now known Dr. Huang for many years, and had an opportunity to introduce his work to the western world.
I was recently in Nanjing for a visit and had an opportunity to sit down with him and some of his foreign Ph.D. students and have a discussion around his latest thoughts on the classic formulas and the practice of medicine.
A special thanks for Dan Eng for his stellar translation here, I could not have done this podcast without him.
Please enjoy this podcast in either English or Chinese, as I was able to edit for both languages.
- Dr Huang’s connection to the Menghe clan
- The Person, Illness, Formula Triangle is not an abstraction, but rather a concrete way of understanding the complexity and relationship of these key aspects of treating people with herbal medicine
- The role of emotions in how people get ill.
- How different formulas can treat the same “problem” and it helps to use a patient’s constitution to clarify the diagnosis.
- What are some ways in which Dr. Huang’s perspective has changed over time.
- Thoughts about the future development of Jing Fang throughout the world
- What it means to be healthy

He is a dedicated teacher who travels all over the world to help practitioners better understand his methods and perspective on using the classic formulas of the Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue in clinical practice.
Links and Resources:
Ten Key Formula Families is the first book in English that details Dr. Huang's thinking, and is a good introduction to his thoughts and methods.
Fifty Herbal Medicines gives you Dr. Huang's thinking not about formulas, but about individual herbs.
Mark Gearing organizes study tours to Nanjing to learn in Dr Huang Huang's clinic, for more information send Mark an email.
You may also join the Facebook page Dr Huang Huang Study Group, for more discussion of his methods and to be informed of future Study Tours to Nanjing with Mark.
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