It’s fun to solve problems. Especially when you’re not quite sure what to do, so you have to pay attention and learn what’s important. You must develop the capacity to learn from both your failures and success.

Mark Brinson wanted a liniment for patients and was not happy with what was on the market. So he thought he’d just mix up his own. That turned into a process of learning a lot about everything from the quality of the herbs, to the nature of the water, to distilling his own alcohol.

The final product is not just a quality liniment, but a point of view. When it comes to marketing and assisting practitioners not just about helping their patients, but also doing well financially so they can sustainably do their doctoring work.

Listen into this conversation on herbal alchemy, marketing with a sense of humor and how to have fun as a mad scientist.

In This Conversation We Discuss:

  • Origin and branding of “Evil Bone Water”
  • The importance of quality ingredients and processes in making herbal formulas
  • The role of water quality and various extraction methods in producing herbal products
  • Navigating regulations and approval processes for herbal products
  • Building a brand and creating customer engagement through storytelling and value sharing
  • Business principles like targeting a specific market, empathy, and providing value
  • The challenges and importance of pricing and profitability in the profession
  • The versatility and potential applications of the “Evil Bone Water” product
  • Sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration within the Chinese medicine community
  • Maintaining a balance between professionalism and fun in running a business
  • The advantages and opportunities of starting a business in the current times

The herbs only work if you take them or use them

Mark T. Brinson, L.Ac

I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine with over 30 Years clinical experience. 

 I started as a trainer specializing in Rehab, then a massage therapist in rehab then physical therapist. I have over 900 hours of Osteopathic and 600 hours of chiropractic training and finished my 3000 hour, 4 year Doctor of Oriental Medicine training in 1999.  

Now, most of my time is devoted to my Evil Bone Water topical business. We started on the porch 6 years ago and are now in over 1900 clinics and grow every day.

Our wholesale business model is designed to grow the whole profession.



Links and Resources

Visit Mark at Evil Bone Water, on Instagram and Facebook.  


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