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Yang to move Yin (Organ?)

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Hi David . . . ok, I need to run this by you and ask you if I have it right, if I have it wrong and if so, where . . . . so on Slide 29 of your talk, you show a three point treatment progression involving the Horary Point, the Lower He-Sea Point and the Front Mu point (you had an analogy here about a pitcher, a baseball and the catcher for those three points respectively).  First of all  . . . .


Question 1.  . . . is this a treatment 'protocol' for when a situation has not been resolved via channel dynamics alone, this then being a  next level strategy to direct the Yang into the Yin organ level to move what is presumably an issue at the organ level???  Do I have that right for this point protocol framework?   Moving beyond that . . . 


Question 2.    do I then have it right (I think from your slide 14 depicting the relationships between Great Movements and Stem Progressions) that the strategy here is to treat Yang so as to move the Yin stem next on the generating cycle progression (for example, to treat Yang Earth or Stomach to affect the next Yin Organ on the generating cycle, or Lung - Metal?  Or another example, to treat Yang Fire San Jiao to affect the next Yin Organ on the generating cycle, or Spleen Earth?  Do I have that right?  If not, can  you provide the correct understanding of what such a Yang three point treatment is aimed at?  And


Question 3.  I did up three examples of this  Horary, Lower He-Sea, Front Mu protocol . . . . I came up with Gall Bladder being GB 41, GB 34, GB 24 . . . .  SanJiao being SJ 6, UB 39, CV 5 . . . . . and Stomach being ST 36, ST 36, CV 12 . . . are these examples correct?  If so, would the first be to treat Organ Level Heart, the second to be to treat Organ level Spleen and the third to treat Organ level Lung?? 


Question 4. Am I correct in thinking these treatments are only for the Yang to treat the Yin? (that that IS the orientation of this approach and the only orientation) And


Question 5.  If I am correct and these three point protocols are to treat non-responsive Channel level, at the Organ level, what is the treatment framework for channel level strategy in this approach?  Can you provide an example?

This topic was modified 1 month ago 6 times by schulman81
