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Timing of Treatment

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Thank you for the wonderful presentation Sharon!  I really need to sit with it all and contemplate it for some time.  A big question it all begs, it seems to me, if we are really to mesh with the ebbs and flows of the Heaven-Human-Earth field . . . is the matter of timing of treatment . . . within the diurnal cycle and within the seasonal cycle (and also within the 5, 12 and 60 year cycles as well!) . . . seems to me there would be optimal and least optimal times within the 24 hour time cycle to offer treatment . . and as well, seasons and nodes within the annual cycle  for optimal and least optimal treatment.  Thoughts?

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Hi Daniel,

I don't think anything I was talking about has to do with the timing of the treatment.  The way I see it is that if a gear in your car is out of alignment, causing the car to rattle and shake, and you drive at 7 a.m., you can still fix it anytime. The six conformations all have their resolution times (see image attached), which may tell us when the results of our treatment are likely to appear.  For example, if someone has insomnia because the Yangming stomach channel is blocked, the symptom shows up at bedtime, and resolving the block would also show up at bedtime. However, from the way I am thinking of it, all of the conformations are circulating all the time. I know some people pay a lot or some attention to the timing of treatments and such things as open points. That has never resonated with me. Though I am sure it has validity it involves so many calculations that it takes me into my head and away from direct perception. I contemplate that it may be more likely that this timing issue is what gives us the channel at the time of the treatment. In other words, the body shows us what needs attention and what is available or open at that moment for treatment.  Does that make sense? 

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@sharon-weizenbaum Oh that makes complete sense and all those crazy calculations never resonated with me either (and any time I have looked into 'calendrical stuff', I quickly get very dizzy - LOL . . . having said that . . the diurnal cycle is simple and not 'heady' at all)!! . .  BUT at the same time, I'm not totally on board with the car-cog analogy . . . our cars and gears are NOT (or certainly MUCH MUCH less) in intimate relationship with all the cycles of day and night, moon, seasons, etc . . .  WE are much much more embedded within those cycles  . . . . my car has pretty  much the same available Qi to be worked with and on regardless of time . . .  we on the other hand have much much less Qi (as I understand it) within the Large Intestine channel (just for example) at 5 pm and much more at 5 am . . . or to put it in tidal terms . . . you'd have a much much harder time trying to swim to shore when tide is rushing out away from shore . . . and certainly perhaps there is a resonance and a grace to all of it we really just align with and flow with in real time when our patients show up as they do . . . .

This post was modified 5 months ago by schulman81

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so many ways to point to this . . . imagine being at the beach and you want to build a sand castle . . . if it happens to be a time of year when high tide is the highest of high tides (high tides are less and more high throughout the year) AND the tide is as well on the coming in part of the daily cycle . . . youre going to build that castle and it is going to get washed away completely almost immediately . . . on the other hand . . you are at the beach at a time of year when high tide is its lowest for the year . . and you build your castle up back on the beach  . . . that castle is going to last a long time likely . .. maybe be home to some beach bird or beach creatures, inspire a lot of passers by, etc etc. . . . all to say . . in natural systems with ebbs and flows . . .the timing of interventions does likely matter . . . it seems to me
