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GB+ Sciatic pain

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@bruechasiatische-medizin-com In the Saam tradition taught by Toby, sciatic pain could be treated either by GB+ or P+, depending on the quality of the channel.  I have used P+ successfully for sciatic pain and seldom use GB+.  It seems that other saam practitioners use GB+ fairly often.  I find myself baffled by this as the qualities of P+ is opposite of GB+.   So according to the qualities, then GB+ should not work on patients who tend to be reactive and impatient, which are alot of folks.  I guess my questions are:  1.)  How to you discern when to use GB+ or do you also use GB- on GB channel iissue (ie sciatica).  2.)  have you used GB+ and gotten adverse reactions for such cases.  3.) In your practice, Andreas, do you use channel qualities as taught by Toby?    

This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by maria yung
