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Korean Hand Acupuncture - the Two Faces

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It's so interesting Peter . . . you noted part of your clinical history was time in the Tae-Woo Yoo Koryo Hand Acupuncture system . . . which, unlike some reflexology systems  is not just a reflection correspondence system but is also inclusive of channel 5 phase dynamics . . . . in the late 90's I was at the New England School of Acupuncture and one of my teachers (Stephen Jackowicz) had studied 'Korean Hand Acupuncture' and even helped edit the English source book (picture of book attached below) . . but it was another system . . . Jae Woo Park's Su Jok Hand and Foot Acupuncture . . interestingly, a different system than the Koryo system . . the body correspondences are on different fingers!! (I suppose not unlike the  fact there are different auricular reflexology systems . . . I suspect reflective of different stages of embryogenesis and development) . .  and I also remember Dr Jackowicz waxing quite elaborately on 5 phase dynamics as part of what he had been taught by Dr. Park and even a whole lecture on how via the controlling and generating cycles, an 'initial' injury or insult will, if not attended to, propagate through the system over time . . . . as a beginning student, it all overwhelmed me  . .  but I remember it landed with impact.  So interesting there are two distinct Korean Hand acupuncture systems.

This topic was modified 3 months ago by schulman81

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Yes, Su Jok and Sooji Chim make an interesting comparison. They both have many adherents. From what I can tell, the weakest part of both is diagnostic reliability. I think that ultimately the pulse is the best guide to any of the energetic analyses.
