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Conditional - Constitutional

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Such a big wide-ranging presentation . . . I appreciated the big picture presented, and so clearly through the prism of many many decades of varied experience and teachers, filtered through a syncretic and critical mind . . . thank you Dr. Eckman.  It's got me diving a bit more deeply into the distinctions you raised between conditional and constitutional (these are matters I have been grappling with in my own way through quite different channels for quite some time) . . . I am not quite yet ready to post a question or questions here yet . . I have your 'Compleat Acupuncturist' and am reading your Chapter on Constitution and Condition to more fully understand where you are 'coming from'  . . . I hope I can get to clarity about questions I want to pose within the week . . . . its a busy week here and this takes considerable focus and contemplation . . . .

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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 27

I'd like to engage with you on this topic, but I guess I'll have to wait until you finish The Compleat Acupuncturist first.
