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Question about SJ5- in LU JG for Blood Stasis

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Hi there,

I'm curious about the use of the non-antique point SJ5 in this modified LU JG treatment. Dr. Choo's explanation that "SJ5- is used for irrigation to expel the broken fragments" strikes me as odd since I might expect those qualities more from SJ6 ("branch ditch") which is an antique point, & the horary, you know? 

All thoughts would be welcome. 🙂

Joshua Park reacted
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Applied channel theory would use SJ5 (...with its upward/outward motion) over SJ6 (does not release exterior like SJ5). Also, I can't make sense of the 5 phase or SAAM foundational reasoning behind using this point? 

Could it have been a typo? Possibly SI5 River/Fire point instead?

Looking at Luo points (SJ5) I would have thought SI7 would be better suited with HE8 ...(than SJ5 with PC)...and I like the draining of a Luo ::) especially if we can release a little blood ::)

Joshua Park reacted
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In the Huangdi Neijing Suwen Chapter 8, it says of the San Jiao: 三焦者,決瀆之官,水道出焉。"As for the San Jiao, it holds the office of clearing the canals. The waterways emerge from it." So there is something about the entire San Jiao channel and organ system that involves irrigation.

SJ-5 is Wai Guan 外關 "Outer Gate", implying a major pass or water lock in the irrigation system. Draining the point presumably opens this waterlock, allowing for fluid movement. Luo points also have a strong connection to Blood and to blood vessels; at the time the Neijing was written, it was more common to bleed them than to needle them.

So between these connections, we have an immediate connection to Blood and vessels, and to the movement of fluid.

This is all speculative of course, but it's interesting to contemplate. I will touch on some of the other possible reasons for this prescription in my presentation on August 1st.

Clinically, I can say that the Blood Stasis prescription works as advertised for acute trauma (for more chronic issues, of two weeks or longer duration, the Small Intestine Jeong Gyeok/ SI+ is my preferred treatment for blood stasis).

