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Hi Evan . . . thanks for your presentation today . . . . you brought up a B+ system attributed to Paul Kim.  Nothing is coming up for me when I search.  To attempt a 'decipher'. I am going with the six point combination you mentioned for a GB B+ treatment of GB44+, UB 66+, GB 45-, LI1-, ST 36-, GB 34- (is this correct?).  Soooo, in addition to the 4 point GB + treatment where we supplement Water points (mother) on self channel and mother channel, drain Metal (controlling or governing or grandmother) points on self channel and governing channel . . . in this B+ system, it seems we add draining the Earth points (governed, controlled or grandson) on self channel and governed channel.  Am I getting that right?  If I am right, that means the six point B+ approach involves  a combination of (a) supporting/nourishing/supplementing a channel with four of the points (through supplementing mother points on self channel and mother channel, draining governing / grandmother points on self channel and grandmother channel) and (b) draining the same channel with two additional points (through draining grandson or governed points on self channel and governed channel) . . . so its a treatment that 66% supports a channel and 33% drains a channel.  Do I have that correct?

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There is no GB 45, so I find the point combination confusing. I assume it is GB43+ UB66+ GB44- LI1- ST 36 - and GB 34-. GB 44 and UB 66 are water points while LI1 and GB44 are metal points and ST36 and GB34 are earth points. I'm not sure I understand why we're draining earth points.

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I'm sure Evan will reply with the definitive answer but I'm just replying so that I'm writing and thinking about what we just learned. 

I was under the impression in the GB example he gave  that he was supplementing HT/GB by supplementing first HT 9 and LV1 on the left, and then sedating those crazy grandkids of the GB on the right - ST36 and GB34 and I'm thinking that the grandkid thing is reminiscent of Paul Kim's B+ treatments, but I may have it all wrong. Again, just replying for the sake of thinking and perhaps exposing a weakness in thought to be corrected. 

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I'm also curious to know more about the purpose / expected effect of sedating the earth (grandson) points on the GB channel.

Looking back at my notes, it appears that I wrote down two separate GB treatments. The first one was ST 36- and GB 34- on the right, HT 9+ and LR 1+ on the left, plus the front mu's of HT (Ren 14) and GB (GB 24, I assume bilaterally?). In my notes, I described this as a treatment "to take the pressure off relationship-based rage."

I also wrote down a second, 6-needle combination comprised of the usual 4 points for tonifying GB, plus ST 36- and GB 34-, all on the right. Unfortunately, I didn't jot down anything about how the purpose of this combination differs from the first one.

Finally, I also have a question for Evan about using these combinations. Does he take other symptoms and constitution into account when deciding whether to use these combinations? For example, I have a patient who, since being sexually assualted, has developed migraines on the GB channel and extreme photosensitivity. All of her symptoms are worse with exposure to heat, bright lights, and barometric pressure changes. Her face is noticeably red. The sense of powerlessness and relationship-based rage that he discussed is definitely present, yet I am hesitant to add heat (HT+) or more upward movement (GB+) in this situation.

So far I have treated her by tonifying PC on the right because she also re-experiences sensations from the assault along her left PC channel, which sends her into flashbacks. She reports that since the first PC treatment these sensations have been less intense and have not sent her into flashbacks, which she is very happy about. I repeated the PC tonification yesterday and will find out how that went next week.

In Evan's approach, should I assume that because PC tonification was beneficial, GB tonification should be avoided, or is there possible benefit to tonifying both in separate treatment sessions?

This post was modified 3 months ago 2 times by Catherine Stewart

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My sincere apologies!  My post above has several mistakes!  I am on the road this weekend and not in the ideal conditions to hash this all out.  Yes, there is NO GB 45!  I meant GB 44 where I typed GB 45 and GB 43 where I typed GB 44.  It seems there were two distinct references involved here . .. one for the relationship rage where a half HT + treatment is on one side and draining the GB grandkids on the other side . . . and then another reference involving six points . . .  the standard 4 point GB+ treatment with an addition of draining those two GB grandkids.  Perhaps we could just get clarification from Evan on those two scenarios, if we have them right and what the rationale is?

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My thought on the grandson points . . . they are in relation to the channel of focus through the controlling / governing relationship . .  but as the controlled or governed (rather than the controlling or governing relationship of grandmother points) . . . so it would seem to me by draining them, we are 'relaxing' the draw upon the channel of focus in it's role as governing or controlling . . and thereby serving to support (or indirectly supplement) . . . so in this case, it would seem to me  ST 36 and GB 34 being earth points  (controlled /governed by wood) . . . by draining them . . . we are easing up on the GB's burden or work in controlling earth, and relaxing / supporting GB.  Does that sound right?
