Our guest in this episode is a long time practitioner and teacher of Chinese medicine. Our discussion ranges through a number of different topics from approaching the classics in Chinese medicine, to how our practices season us and lead us in certain directions over the years, to some considerations that new practitioners might find helpful. We also discuss how to keep our growing edge vital and alive and dip into the difference between medicine and healing.

Listen in as we explore the perspective of Z'ev Rosenberg, a long time practitioner of Chinese medicine, who's been chewing on this stuff for a few decades.

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Show Highlights
5:11    The importance of incremental learning and practice.
10:31   We need to understand the difference between a snapshot and movie.
13:14   How to keep our growing edge alive and engaged.
18:36   What to do when you are working with someone and the situation is not clear.
22:46   The fine line between healing and medicine
29:12   Some wisdom for the practitioner who thinks they actually do the healing.
31:30   What’s important in getting a practice going in the early years?


The guest of this show 

Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac began his studies of Asian schools of medicine in the early 1970’s, with studies in macrobiotics and shiatsu. In 1983 he graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College. And then completed post graduate work at Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine.

Z’ev has a private practice where he specializes in autoimmune disorders.

In addition he directs the Alembic Institute where he teaches advanced seminars in medical classics, pulse diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders. He is a senior researcher at the Xinglin Institute for the Study of Early East Asian Medicine. Additionally he writes articles for journals and is currently working on two books, Return of the Yellow Emperor: Ecological Medicine for the 21st Century, and Healing the Broken Vessel.


Links and Resources

You can find Z'ev online at www.zevrosenberg.com
Visit the Facebook page of the Alembic Institute
Explore the website of the Xing Lin Institute


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