378 The Sixth Element • Slate Burris

378 The Sixth Element • Slate Burris

Acupuncture We have the two of yin and yang, the three of the jing, qi, shen, the four levels of pathogenic invasion from the Wen Bing, the Five Phases of the Wu Xing and the Six Elements— wait a minute, Six Elements? Have you ever wondered why the Classics speak to the Five Zang...
Oct 15, 2024
377 Constitution and Condition • Peter Eckman

377 Constitution and Condition • Peter Eckman

Acupuncture In our work as acupuncturists, we use differential diagnosis to understand the warp and woof of a patient’s problem, to see how various seemingly marginally connected aspects of their problem give us the pattern that allows for skillful intervention. We also look at...
Oct 8, 2024
361 Evil Bone Water • Mark Brinson

361 Evil Bone Water • Mark Brinson

Herbal Medicine It’s fun to solve problems. Especially when you’re not quite sure what to do, so you have to pay attention and learn what’s important. You must develop the capacity to learn from both your failures and success. Mark Brinson wanted a liniment for patients and was not...
Jun 18, 2024
360 Battlefield Acupuncture • John Howard

360 Battlefield Acupuncture • John Howard

Acupuncture The Chinese are right, the brain is a curious organ. The way the nerves entangle their way into every aspect of our body, and how their gentle electric hum gives us awareness of this container we call ourselves. Pain is how our nervous system lets us know there is a...
Jun 11, 2024