Marketing Mini Series 4 • The Mirror of Marketing: Finding Your Authentic Voice
In This Conversation We Discuss:
What drew MB to acupuncture
You know that sensation of remembering something you’ve forgotten?
Marketing as invitation, and the profound vulnerability of offering an invitation
Is the message about cold water fear, or is the message about fiery heart love?
What is the essence of what you do with people? What would you do if all your “tools” were taken away? What’s the work you’re actually doing?
Marketing is a mirror
Start with the essence, not the mission
The importance of polarity and tension
Know your target audience; know the dreams, the desires, the dread
I believe thinking of patients as property – “MY” patient – is one of the biggest obstacles to healing. I think if we focus on the affinity we have with people – and not ownership and its subsequent feeling of authority or power – we're much more able to guide them through the healing process. If we find – in fact – that there isn't an affinity, the realization helps us to let go of this particular client without judgment, so that he/she/they can be better served by working with a different practitioner. As an added bonus, it helps us consciously understand who we work best with.

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Mary Beth has a talent in helping to bring forth clarity (that is already present, but perhaps a bit hidden) that is nothing short of stunning.