Party icebreaker or poking the bear?
This quality ball cap protects your noggin from the elements, and announces to the world that you're playing for Team Acupuncture.
You already know that acupuncture is great, and that it’s a constant uphill climb to make it accessible, affordable, and mainstream enough to have people consider it as an option.
Nothing like a laugh or bit of controversy to fire up a lively conversation about acupuncture.
Available in Black, Blue and Red. Price: $30.
Why not get one for a friend too?
Buyers Comment
OMG. I need one of these.
Please get this to me ASAP.
Three please, I have some friends who will love this.
Not sure if I should laugh or strangle you, and looking forward to getting my Qio Hat.
Poignant, we need to have some serious conversations about our profession.