Dr. Corradino is the creator and founder of Neuropuncture Inc. Neuropuncture is the only complete neuroscience acupuncture system created by an acupuncturist for the 21st-century acupuncturist. Michael graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Cum Laude, in 1995 with a Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine after studying molecular biology at Seton Hall University. Dr. Corradino has been in the field of Integrated Medicine since his graduation (25+yrs). Michael’s mission in life is to reach and expose quality Traditional Chinese Medicine to as many people as possible in his lifetime to present an effective, quality option for health care and aiding in the integration of Eastern, Western, and, Natural medicine.
Michael has been involved in ground-breaking electrical acupuncture research including spinal cord injury, stem cell proliferation, low vision, and opioid titration. His Neuropuncture acupuncture system has certification programs, instructor programs and soon an accredited OMD program, and Michael has traveled around the world teaching Neuropuncture workshops.